Connected Ships for the Future

Ö-PAC Technology provides cutting-edge technology for predicitve maintenance and ship dynamics modeling.
The VesselCare service offers shipyards and fleet operators cloud tools and sensor technology to detect, analyze and act before failures.
Service VesselDrive provides guidance for the best routes and speed for the lowest energy consumption by determining a data model of the vessel used for optimization.
The services are used today, e.g. in the Swedish Search and Rescue Organization SSRS.
The globe as limited resources and we all need to make sure that we use it wisely.
For the shipping industry it can mean to reduce the fuel consumption to lowest possible as well as keeping the Vessel in use longer instead of replacing it with new builds.
The No Waste principle is also used for time. Every task shall be useful and action that does not create Value is just waste.
Maximizing the value is in the core of everyone working at Ö-PAC Technology.
We provide data to be used as insight for improvements that creates better Efficiency, Safer operation and less Waste.
The change in our Industry is ongoing and new technologies are introduced every day.
The shift towards electrification is fundamental and has a major impact on everything. But also, the use of advanced AI based tools will give us new ways to operate.
The services from Ö-PAC Technologies are always in the lead towards the future.

Datavärde Norden AB
Datavärde Norden AB is a privately held company that focus on Digital Solutions for Energy, Operation, and Industry. The people are committed to create Value from Data.
Founded in 2021 the Datavärde Company is still young as an organization, but the people have extensive experience from the industry.
The first customer was the Swedish Rescue as Sea organization that we developed the Ship2Shore system that is the base for the present VesselCare offering.
Our mission is to stay in the front line of Technology to create the most Value of all new opportunities that comes.
We will grow faster that the industry and make sure that our customer benefits from it.

Öckeröborgen is a marine controlling company that has its headquarters on Öckerö in the archipelago of Gothenburg.
The company group includes the following marine companies: Ö‑varvet, Hasslö varv, Tenö varv, Simrishamns varv, Berg Marin, Power House, Power Tech Sweden, Donsö Engine and Shiprepair, Swede Ship Marine, Swede Ship Composite, Swede Ship Yachtservice, CKG i Uddevalla, Ö‑PAC, Skillinge Svets and Sublift.

The company group includes the following marine companies: Ö‑varvet, Hasslö varv, Tenö varv, Simrishamns varv, Berg Marin, Power House, Power Tech Sweden, Donsö Engine and Shiprepair, Swede Ship Marine, Swede Ship Composite, Swede Ship Yachtservice, CKG i Uddevalla, Ö‑PAC, Skillinge Svets and Sublift.